Emerald City Cloggers -- Clogging Dance Lessons Seattle, Washington


Thank you for your interest in Emerald City Cloggers clogging lessons! We teach beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of adult clogging. Beginner lessons are geared towards those interested in clogging and have had little, if any, clogging experience. It's also great for those wanting to "brush up" on their clogging from when they learned in the past. Our intermediate through advanced clogging is for those with more clogging knowledge. Beginners will eventually move up to these levels.

Beginner Clogging Lessons: We start with the very basics and by the end of the session you will have learned a variety of beginning steps including the double step, utilized in all levels of clogging! Those interested in beginner lessons, please complete our Clogging Interest Form and we'll contact you when the next session starts.

Experienced Cloggers: Emerald City Cloggers intermediate through advanced clogging is for those with prior clogging experience. Intermediate and higher level cloggers are more than welcome to join us at any time.

Of course, anyone is welcome to watch! In order for us to know who will be attending and to ensure you have a good clogging experience, please complete our Clogging Interest Form for lessons or drop-ins.

Clogging Schedule
No in person classes at this time. Please let us know of your
interest so we can contact you when classes resume.

Seattle, WA
Dance Location To Be Determined...
If you happen to know of any inexpensive dance venues
in downtown Seattle or slightly south, please let us know.